How I started coding ...

Posted by Quang Nguyen on 2020-03-26
Estimated Reading Time 3 Minutes
Words 520 In Total


This is my first blog ever !! Even though I am just still a beginner in programming, I already had two years of intensive coding and I hope you will enjoy the experiences I have to share

I gotta say I didnt start programming because all of the sayings such as “Job warranty”, “This is a super hot suject”, “You will be super rich”,…

It all began while I was playing computer games at home, chilling after finishing the intense highschool entrance test. Just as my screen was grey in the middle of a League of Legends match, I got a call from my best friend.

“Wanna join a coding class? Its about to start”, he said

Then all of the sudden, the then ever-rising competitiveness with my friends (I used to think whatever they knew I must learn as well) had urged me to abandon my game, which caused me to drop some rank points :(, and head straight to the class in HUS

And my passion for coding all started in this website


This is a common website for most informatics majors in HUS and since I took this summer class, I sneaked an account on Codefun.

My first lines of code, pretty stupid common error right :)) But I know as a beginner then I was sympathized by most


After that it were some of the most passionate days of my life. I could feel every problem solved was exciting. The minute I saw each green tick on each problem was a reward for all the instructions in our secret book, all the stackoverflow, all the lines of code we minutely copied online not understanding why it didnt work.

It was quite a hectic summer but when the new school year was about to come, I left all the passion for coding behind and focused on studying Math (a thing that I still both regret and am grateful for). I was in the National Mathematics Team twice but got the honorable prize twice, quite ashamed :))

Then, the passion for coding in me arose again when I saw this really cool Codeathon from Techkids (Mindx now) and I was really grateful for having seen that advertisement. I immediately signed up for the 2-day codecamp (sounds weird) but they were 2 days of 24 hours coding and learning about the thing that made me love coding today web-dev.

In the end, after the successful camp (we won first place :)), my passion for web-dev and coding in general was ignited again… Here are some of the first html, css and javascript I designed for the codeathon:


Pretty cool right !

In summary, I studied different languages such as python, java, c++ (for the sake of learning algorithms), and my specialities are javascript and React so you will expect many posts related to these 2 languages.

Even though I am not any professional developers or informatics major students, I believe on this blog you will find a lot of helpful advice and experience that I gathered during my 2 years of learning web-dev.

Hope you enjoy it!

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